Legend Care Foundation is a secular, not-for-profit organization in India, the organization works for ‘to work for the cause and care of destitute older people and to advance their value of life.’
In rural areas, several elderlies are left alone after their children migrate to the cities in search of better job opportunities. Older adults are already struggling with underlying conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or respiratory issues — comorbidities that we now understand. With a firm belief that aiding older people and raising awareness of elder care would not only provide them a new life but also lower the incidence of elder abuse in society, the goal is to serve every senior person who is poor, orphaned, in need, and abandoned. We adhere to the idea that "Vasudeva Kutumbakam," which means that the entire world is our family, and this motivates us to help every elderly person in need as if they were a part of our own family.